What Are the 5 Types of Content?

5 Types of Content

One of the most common challenges we hear from you is creating unique strategies to improve your content marketing.

Let’s face it.

We all want our brand to stand out. And for this, you may develop many strategies, but you might need to remember one very important one.

Content marketing.

But how to make your content strategy stand out?

The solution is simple.

You must first know why content is important for your brand and then explore different types of content that align with your business plan to make it one of a kind.

But wait!

Are you also one of those who, until now, thought only written content could be passed for being called “content.”

Then, here’s what you should know.

There are roughly more than 100 types of content. Yes, you heard it right!

But I have made it easier for you to catch on.

We will talk about only the 5 main types of content that you can use to step up your marketing game.

Ready to broaden your horizons? I know you are.

So, let’s get going!

Here Are the 5 Types of Content:

Content does not remain the same for everyone.

To attract different customers, you must use different types of content.

The most modern type of branding nowadays is through digital media.

Using different types of content helps you connect with different kinds of audiences.

In this below section, you will learn all about the 5 different types of content.

You can use all of these to market your brand better and attract greater customers and users.


Blog Content

When it comes to discussing content, you know blogging has to be on top.

Because why not?

Blogs are usually owned by individuals or smaller groups of people. The content in blogs is mostly organized chronologically.

This means that the newest content will always be shown at the top.

A blog’s style is more informal and conversational. This helps you connect to your readers more personally and gain their trust.

There is a separate section for feedback on blogs as well, where you can leave your comments.

Traditionally, blogs were more of a personal thing.

They were supposed to be platforms where people could log daily activities.

They are a mix of graphic and written content. They are now an important medium to market your brand to the right people at the right time, using the right platform.

Blogs also have different types or “niches.” Some consist of individual posts covering various topics within the blogger’s expertise. Some are websites talking about similar topics under one category.

Some common blog types include:

  • Food blogs
  • Travel blogs
  • Lifestyle blogs
  • Business blogs
  • Sports blogs
  • Health and fitness blogs

Why Are Blogs Important?

80% of bloggers suggest that customers are more likely to buy a product or service about which they have read in a blog. (Source: Orbit Media)

Blogs are an effective medium to influence people in general as well.

For example, you visit a hill station and write about your great experience at the hotel you book for your trip. Your readers may follow your advice and book the same hotel for their vacation as well.

In this way, if the hotel’s sales increase because of your blog, they might also offer you discounts on your stay.

For business purposes, blogs are essential to keep your customers up-to-date. They are the easiest option to share any changes in the company.

Writing blogs is a great way to bring out your expertise in a particular field. It helps you give out the information and guide people by being the leader in the field.



The word infographic is not new to you, I presume. But if it is, that’s okay too.

It is a type of communication medium that includes written as well as visual content.

Amongst the hype for infographics, it is also important to know the difference between infographics and data visualization.

The confusion is understandable because these terms are often interchangeably used without knowing their proper context.

Though they essentially sound the same, they are different terms and serve different purposes.

Infographics is a broad term and is further divided into different types of graphics for different purposes.

The two main types of infographics include:

  • Data visualization
  • Information design

What Is Data Visualization?

Data visualization means translating information into visuals like graphs and charts. This makes it easier for people to understand complex information.

It is an effective method to communicate your information to your customers.

For example, suppose you are a large franchise and want your marketing team to post about your most used products on social media. In that case, you can create an infographic by using data visualization.

You can show the data in the form of bar graphs to describe how many people are using which product. This will look attractive on your social media page and grab your customer’s attention as well.

It is a useful technique used by many businesses to identify customer behavior as well.

When you visually present data, it increases the ability of people to absorb the information easily and make efficient decisions.

The most common data visualization technique is converting Microsoft Excel tables into bars and charts.

Now Let’s Talk About Information Design

As opposed to data visuals, information designs are not based on any data or numbers. Rather they focus on concepts.

Information designs present information in a way that is accessible and easier for any user to understand.

Their purpose is to meet their objectives by defining specific concepts under specific situations.

They are closely associated with graphic design and are almost the same.

In simple words, where you have to explain complex or important concepts effectively, you can use information design.

The most common example of information design is the “how to infographics.”

What Should Infographics Have?

Your infographic must have a strong story to be conveyed through visuals. You should make it brief yet effective for people to understand.

Make sure to use appropriate sources for telling a compelling story in your graphic content. It builds a trustworthy relationship between the reader and the writer.

Your infographic should also be SEO optimized to gain more viewers and reach more readers.



The idea of podcasts has been around since the 1980s. Its concept emerged from FM radios.

After the internet was introduced, people were fond of recording audio and sharing it online on different platforms.
The word podcast is an amalgamation of iPod and broadcast.

When people are often asked how they would describe a podcast, their answer is:

  • Talking
  • Free of cost
  • Specific

These are the top 3 qualities of a podcast. They usually contain much talking on different but specific issues and are free of cost on platforms where people can easily access them.

Podcasts are the most cost-effective way to record and spread your message to the community.

Traditionally podcasts were only based on audio. Now, video podcasts are gaining more popularity. This is because video messages are proven to be more effective than audio messages.

Previously podcasts were based on an individual level. Now, many businesses, TV networks, and content creators are widely using this option to promote their brands and gain more audience.

Almost every famous YouTuber has started a separate podcast channel to gain more popularity.

It’s safe to say that podcasts are the modern radio.

There is also no predefined rule regarding podcast length and duration. Usually, they are now broken down into episodes like TV shows.

There is no fixed time for the episode, but podcasts are mostly released weekly.

Let’s understand the difference between podcasts and podcast episodes.

People usually get confused regarding this. Podcasts are whole audio or video show, whereas podcast episodes are single chapters of the whole show.

They can be conversational as well as narratory. Podcasts are the most cost-efficient and successful way of publishing your thoughts without actually having to write them down.

The 5 most popular podcasts of all time are:

  • The Daily [Source: Link]
  • The Joe Rogan Experience [Source: Link]
  • Stuff You Should Know [Source: Link]
  • Crime Junkie [Source: Link]
  • Morbid: A True Crime Podcast [Source: Link]

Video Content

Any content that features a video and good-quality audio is called video content. This includes vlogs, animation, testimonials, webinars, video conferencing, etc.

Video content is the most popular type of content nowadays. According to Google, 60% of Americans watch online videos rather than TV. [Source: Backlinko]

And 74% of people aged 18-49 have been YouTube users since 2015.

Most companies now promote their business through many emerging platforms by posting video content.

It is a very useful tool to engage more potential customers and attract them to your business.

Customers will only buy your products if they properly understand how to use them. Visuals in video content help viewers understand the logistics of your business in a better way as compared to written content.

Video content makes you a lot more interactive with your customers. These interactive sessions are more useful for answering the specific questions of potential customers.

Video content plays a great role in convincing clients and creating a sales and marketing pitch.

Videos are more SEO-friendly.

This is because YouTube videos are shown at the top of every search result. Giving your video a common search title makes it easier to rank it at the top of the search.

When you search the question “how to edit videos on iPhone?” Google will automatically show 3 to 4 YouTube videos in answer to your question as well.


Social Media Content

Everyone is on social media these days. Teenagers are mostly using Tiktok and Snapchat. Influencers and small business owners are widely using Instagram and Facebook. While professionals make the best use of LinkedIn.

Social media is the first option that comes to mind when thinking of expanding your connections.

If used properly, social media content can be your best asset to promote your business and attract customers.

Most people promote their businesses now through creative content by using many social media platforms, including:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • Youtube
  • Tiktok

Promoting your content on social media is the best way to get on top of the search list. Through a large number of likes and comments, your content may be on the top trending lists.

This benefits your brand and creates a positive image of your business.

Social media content largely differs from normal written and visual content.

Most people on social media are young adults. The tip to produce successful social media content is to be able to grab your viewer’s attention in 10 seconds.

Your video content should be engaging. The first two lines of your written content should be compelling and creative enough to grab your reader’s attention.

Using images in your social media content increases engagement in your posts. Visual content does not get scrolled down immediately as compared to written content.

Adding imagery to your written content will always complement it and look more presentable.

For example, if you promote your product and business website on social media, you are more likely to increase your sales. This is because your social media inbox is the most convenient way for you to interact with your customers.

You must take your time to explore all the features. Then choose the most appropriate social media platform to promote your content and increase your customer engagement.

Final Thoughts

Even though blogging is the foundation of every piece of content, you produce. But there’s no written rule that it should be the only content you produce.

A diverse content marketing strategy will always be beneficial and produce significant results for your business.

Also, producing content isn’t enough, and the goal is to create content that is useful to your users as well.

Concluding with the final tip, I would say that you must prioritize what your audience demands. Only then your content strategy will be successful.

And for this, you must be aware of different types of content so you can use them effectively and produce sustainable results for your business.

What are your views? Let me know in the comments below.

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